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September 12, 2010


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Dear Wendy,
Too many have to suffer and deal with this pain and loss today. What is happening to our world?

Count our blessings.


Jonnie Hickman

Dr Wendy,

I too struggle with leaving my child behind and never seeing my grandchildren (Embry is due in November, my first grandchild.) My son is angry with me right now because I told him with a baby on the way, he needed to get a job.

I fear if something happens to me while he is angry, the rest of his life he will mourn. He will regret his anger. I want happiness for the rest of his life.

One of the things I have been doing is writing daily letters to him, reminding him that I know he loves me and he has the right to be angry if he wants to be. I also have been writing a daily letter for my grandchild.

I want more than anything to see her dancing with the other children on Sunday mornings at my church, I want to teach her the song, "This little light of mine" and "Jesus loves me." Maybe I will record myself singing to her.

Thanks again for the site.



I had not seen the story of Leah Siegal in the paper. What a touching story. Thanks for sharing.

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