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June 30, 2011


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Very timely; my colleague's best friend was just diagnosed with lung cancer and this guide may be very helpful for them.

Jan Hasak

Thank you so much for bringing this guide to our attention. I will add it to the Resources section of my website. I'm always looking for reliable, updated material.

Marcia Anderson

As a cancer center resource area, we get CURE publications quarterly and this guide yearly. Check your oncologist's office or treatment area for free copies. I particularly love the CURE qtly publication. It has ongoing columns related to a multitude of concerns- nutrition, caregiving, psychosocial and relationships, new books, explaining the value of complementary therapies, and every issue features an in-depth exploration about a specific cancer type. I find that for patients with that particular diagnosis, it is very reassuring to see that their own oncologist is up to date on the latest drugs and testing and clinical trials. It is difficult for print media to stay current with the changing face of oncology, but this magazine is exceptional and quite understandable for most patients and caregivers. I highly recommend the magazine AND the annual resource guide for all patients.

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